Tae Kyoung Lee/Graphics Staff Archaeologist Carl Lipo and his team formed their hypothesis based on the orientation of the statues found today on Easter Island.
COURTESY OF WWW.FRANKLINGUNSHOP.COM Private gun sellers may bypass the background checks for their purchasers.
COURTESY OF WWW.WORLDHISTORICALSITES.COM The methods used to transport the moai have been long-debated.
COURTESY OF WWW.VIVO.COLOSTATE.EDU According to the study, the neurotransmitter GABA mediates the expenditure of energy from brown fat.
COURTESY OF WWW.OCF.BERKELEY.EDU There are thousands of genes encoded in our 46 chromosomes.
COURTESY OF WWW.TUWEIN.AC.AT Electrons can be provided with angular momentum, creating a vortex.
COURTESY OF WWW.MICHIGAN.GOV Multidrug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis eludes drug effects and poses a great challenge in health care.
courtesy of www.digitalmedia.jhu.edu Performance artist Rohina Malik will be at Hopkins next week to broach topics related to diversity and Islamic culture.
courtesy of www.starbucks.com Starbucks coffee and holiday themed cups are a fun way to brighten up a weekend spent studying.